
A trademark is a distinct symbol or sign that serves to differentiate the goods or services offered by a particular business or group of businesses from those of others in the market. This symbol can encompass various elements, such as unique words, letters, numbers, drawings, pictures, monograms, signatures, colors, or combinations thereof. It can take the form of a word, symbol, design, or a combination of these components. According to the Trademarks Act (Cap 506), a mark is defined as any identifying guise, slogan, device, brand, heading, label, ticket, name, signature, word, letter, numeral, or any combination thereof, whether represented in two-dimensional or three-dimensional form.

Application Number Applicant Body Nationality Class of Goods
KE/S/1998/ 000874 Applicant: Kenya Bureau of Standards; P.O. Box 54974, Nairobi. 42
2305 Fynnon Limited, of Macleans corner Great West Road, Blentlord, Mlddlesex, Eng...
43593 Cosmorecare Beauty Cosmetics Ltd a Limited Liability Company registered in Ke...
KE/T/2007/ 060482 Aventis Pharma SA of 20 Avenue Raymond Aron, 92160 Antony, France
KE/T/2006/ 059517 GlaxoSmithKline Biologicals S.A. of rue de I'Institut 89, Rixensart B-1330, ...
KE/T/2005/ 057963 LG CORPof20, Yoido-dong, Youngdungpo-Gu, Seoul, Republic ofKorea 17
KE/S/1996/ 000875 Applicant: Kenya Bureau of Standards; P.O. Box 54974, Nairobi. 42
2305 Fynnon Limited, of Macleans corner Great West Road, Blentlord, Mlddlesex, Eng...
43594 Cosmocare Beauty Cosmetics Ltd, a Limited Liability Company Registered in Ken...
2006/ 060045 Mahle Engine Components Japan Kabushiki Kaisha (also trading as Mahle Engine...
KE/T/2007/ 060483 Aventis Pharma SA of 20 Avenue Raymond Aron, 92160 Antony, France 5
KE/T/2006/ 059531 Barclays Bank Plc of 29th Floor, 1 Churchill Place, London E14 5HP, United K...
66 / 2255

We duly credit all content featured on this website to its original sources. We acknowledge and credit the Kenya Industrial Property Institute (KIPI) Journal as a source for IP registration information.