
A trademark is a distinct symbol or sign that serves to differentiate the goods or services offered by a particular business or group of businesses from those of others in the market. This symbol can encompass various elements, such as unique words, letters, numbers, drawings, pictures, monograms, signatures, colors, or combinations thereof. It can take the form of a word, symbol, design, or a combination of these components. According to the Trademarks Act (Cap 506), a mark is defined as any identifying guise, slogan, device, brand, heading, label, ticket, name, signature, word, letter, numeral, or any combination thereof, whether represented in two-dimensional or three-dimensional form.

Application Number Applicant Body Nationality Class of Goods
110915 RALSON (INDIA) LIMITED of Ralson Nagar, G.T. Road, Ludhiana, 141003, India 12
110562 ENVISAGE MULTIMEDIA LIMITED of KMA Centre Block E.2.2, P.O. Box 55690-00200,... 41
110870 KENYA EXPORT PROMOTION AND BRANDING AGENCY of 16th Floor, Anniversary Towers... 16, 35, 41, 45
110916 STAMET PRODUCTS (K) LTD. of P.O. Box 70698-00400, Nairobi, Kenya 16
110566 RONAK PHARMACY of P.O. Box 2555-00200, Bungoma, Kenya 5
110877 KENTE BUILDING MATERIALS CO. LTD. of P.O. Box 7935-00100, Nairobi, Kenya 19
110917 STAMET PRODUCTS (K) LTD. of P.O. Box 70698-00400, Nairobi, Kenya 16
110567 RONAK PHARMACY of P.O. Box 2555-00200, Bungoma, Kenya 5
110879 GLOBE PHARMACY LTD. of P.O. Box 58171-00200, Nairobi, Kenya 5
110918 STAMET PRODUCTS (K) LTD. of P.O. Box 70698-00400, Nairobi, Kenya 16
110585 LONGHORN PUBLISHERS PLC of Funzi Road, P.O. Box 18033-00500, Nairobi, Kenya 35, 41
110908 MAKER'S MARK DISTILLERY, INC. of 100 Mallard Creek Road, Suite 151, Louisvil... 33
2254 / 2255

We duly credit all content featured on this website to its original sources. We acknowledge and credit the Kenya Industrial Property Institute (KIPI) Journal as a source for IP registration information.