Industrial Designs

Industrial designs are any composition of lines or colours or any three-dimensional form whether or not associated with lines and colours, provided that such composition or form gives a special appearance to a product of industry or handicraft and can serve as pattern for a product of industry or handicraft. An Industrial design is registrable if it is new. (Industrial Property Act, Act No.3 of 2001).

Application Number Title of the Invention Applicant Nationality Body Area of technology
2022/2636 Cookstove. The aspect of the design where novelty is claimed lies in the shape and configuration of the cookstove as ... BURN MANUFACTURING CO... 07 02
2022/2638 DIAPER. The design relates to a diaper with two curved opposing channels in the middle part of the rectangular shaped... HAYAT KIMYA SANAYI AN... 02 01
2022/2672 CRATE, The features of the design for which novelty is claimed are the shape, configuration and pattern as shown in ... KENSTAR PLASTIC INDUS... 09 04
2022/2607 CONTAINER(WITH LID & HANDLE). The novelty of the design resides in the shape of the container as shown in the represe... DHRUV AGARWA, P. O. B... 07 02
2022/2608 CONTAINER(WITH LID & HANDLE). The novelty of the design resides in the shape of the container as shown in the represe... DHRUV AGARWAL, P. O. ... 07 02
2022/2669 EURO DESIGN BUCKET. The features of the design for which novelty is claimed are the shape and the configuration of th... NILESH D J DODHIA, P.... 07 07
: 2022/2651 BLENDER. The features of the design for which novelty is claimed are the shape and configuration of the article as sh... VERSUNI HOLDING B.V. ... 31 00
2022/2653 BLENDER. The features of the design for which novelty is claimed are the shape and configuration of the article as sh... VERSUNI HOLDING B.V. ... 31 00
2022/2653 BLENDER. The features of the design for which novelty is claimed are the shape and configuration of the article as sh... VERSUNI HOLDING B.V. ... 31 00
2023/2683 : BUCKET MIKHIL ANUJ SHAH, P.O... 07 07
2023/2690 : Decorative edgings for furniture. The features for which novelty is claimed are the surface pattern and ornamentati... HUMING PVC COMPANY LI... 06 06
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